Orchard & vineyard management and fruit quality

We aim to examine the impact of different management practices in orchards and vineyards on the ultimate quality of fruits and grapes. Our focus lies in understanding how various canopy and soil management techniques affect overall plant physiological condition, yield potential, and fruit quality.

Specific areas of interest include:

  • Exploring different canopy management methods (such as: defoliation, antitranspirant and kaolin sprays) to regulate grape ripening dynamics.
  • Utilizing biostimulant products to improve crop resilience to environmental stresses like heat, drought, and nutrient imbalances, thereby enhancing fruit quality at harvest and during storage.
  • Investigating the use of biochar as a soil amendment to enhance the overall sustainability of mountain vineyards, particularly in terms of water and nutrient utilization and carbon storage in the soil.

We employ various portable instruments for monitoring plant physiological status in vineyards and orchards, including leaf gas analyzers, fluorometers, and pressure chambers to measure leaf/stem water potential. Additionally, our laboratory is equipped with advanced analytical instruments such as HPLC and GC-MS for assessing fruit quality.