Damiano Zanotelli

Assistant Professor


Relationship of carbon and water fluxes at ecosystem scale with the main environmental and physiological parameters.

Life cycle assessment of agro-ecosystems.

Characterization of Carbon stocks and fluxes in an orchard planting by using an eddy covariance tower and a soil respiration system (Li-8100 plusLi-8150 8 chambers multiplexer) with trenched and control plots, combined with biometric measurements of aboveground tree-organs growth and mini-rhizotrons toassess root production and turnover (below ground C allocation).


April 2012
PhD – DoctorEuropaeus (Colture Arboree ed Agrosistemi Forestali e Ornamentali)
University of Bologna in collaboration with University of Bolzano February 2008
International Master  “Land and Water Conservation” February 2007
Master Degree “Planning and Management of Agro-Ecosystems ad Landscape”   March 2005
Bachelor Degree “Agricultural, Forest and Environmental sciences”