Torben Oliver Callesen

Research interest(s):
My general interest is the ecophysiology of perennial/woody agroecosystems, in particular the carbon cycle of vineyards. The main topic of my PhD thesis is disentangling the sources and seasonal variation of carbon fluxes within a discretely heterogenous multi-layer agroecosystem, such as a grassed and cover-cropped hedgerow vineyard. I am familiar with various methodologies including eddy covariance, proximal sensing of Vis, soil respiration measurement, biometric/allometric assessment, and increasingly process based carbon cycle modelling. My current focusses are the effects of management practices on vineyard carbon fluxes and modelling photosynthesis and radiative transfer between vertical grapevine canopies and the understorey.
Educational background:
- 2022-current: 38th cycle PhD in Mountain Environment and Agriculture, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy. Supervisor: Damiano Zanotelli.
- 2019-2022: International Master’s in Horticultural Science (IMaHS), University of Bologna & Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy. Supervisor: Leonardo Montagnani.
- 2016-2019: International Bachelor’s Degree in Chemistry and Physics, Roskilde University, Denmark.
Publications in scopus-indexed journals
Callesen, T. O., Gonzalez, C. V., Bastos Campos, F., Zanotelli, D., Tagliavini, M., & Montagnani, L. (2023). Understanding carbon sequestration, allocation, and ecosystem storage in a grassed vineyard. Geoderma Regional, 34, e00674.
Conference proceedings
Callesen, T. O., Gonzalez, C. V., Bastos Campos, F., Zanotelli, D., Tagliavini, M., & Montagnani, L. (2022). Gross and net primary productivity in a vineyard assessed by eddy covariance and biometric measurements. Acta Horticulturae, 1355, 423–430.
Callesen, T. O., Montagnani, L., Gonzales, C. V., Campos, F. B., Tagliavini, M., & Zanotelli, D. (2023). The relative importance of grassed alleys in C dynamics of open-canopy vineyards (No. EGU23-11020). EGU23. Copernicus Meetings.
Presentations at conferences
Callesen, T. O., Gonzalez, C. V., Bastos Campos, F., Zanotelli, D., Tagliavini, M., & Montagnani, L. Examining the Carbon Cycle of a Mountain Vineyard. EGU2023, Vienna, Austria, 24-28 April 2023. Poster DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.10033.76646
Callesen, T. O., Asensio, D., Schwarz, M., Benyahia, F., Ben Abdelkader, A., Bastos Campos, F., Andreotti, C., Montagnani, L., Tagliavini, M., Wohlfahrt, G. & Zanotelli, D. The impact of heatwaves on carbon dioxide and water fluxes of a grassed vineyard. SOIXIV Giornate Scientifiche, Turin, Italy, 21 June 2023. “Smart Oral” Presentation.
External courses attended
6th Training Course on New Advances in Land Carbon Cycle Modelling, Cornell University (online), 5-16 June 2023.
Land Use and Environmental Monitoring, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, 02-14 March 2023.